  1. Sunrise Ski Resort Results
  2. KingmanResults
  3. PrescottResults

Series Overall Standings

  1. McDowell MeltdownResults
  2. Estrella Hedgehog HustleResults
  3. Lake Havasu HavocResults
  4. White Tank WhirlwindResults
  5. Prescott PunisherResults
  6. Flagstaff FrenzyResults

Super DResults

Series Standings
Team Series Points

Reminder that all protests should be taken onsite day of event with the race director. Results are considered final once the last protest period has ended and the race director has finalized the results.

If you move up or change categories you must email info@MBAA.net by Sunday at midnight (following race day) or your points will not be counted.

Questions or issues should be directed to results@mangledmomentum.com. Events are chip timed along with hand back up for additional review.